Branchburg kids dental office

Pediatric dental care in Branchburg 

Branchburg kids dental office
Branchburg kids dental office

Pediatric dental care requires a gentle touch, an environment that is welcoming, and an atmosphere that is fun and joyful. All of this combine to create a comfortable setting for your child here at Branchburg Dentistry.

For your child’s first trip to our Branchburg kids dental office, he or she will become familiar with our equipment, our staff, and (of course) our pediatric dentist. A visual inspection of her or his teeth will be combined with x-rays to gauge your child’s level of oral health and detect any cavities while they are still small enough to be treated easily. Gums and occlusion (bite) will also be checked for any concerns or abnormalities that need to be addressed. A teeth cleaning will also be administered, as this eliminates any remaining plaque and tartar that are hiding between teeth and in gum pockets. Moving forward, our Branchburg kids dental care is focused on both prevention and education. Good strategies, such as proper brushing and flossing techniques, will be discussed. You will get tips on nutrition as it relates to the well-being of your child’s teeth and gums, dealing with teething, and the role that fluoride treatments can play in the prevention of cavities. Primary (baby) teeth must be treated with focused care so that they remain healthy and fall out on their normal schedule, making room for permanent (adult) teeth to erupt later. Most children should come in every six months for a checkup and cleaning, but factors such as your child’s current level of dental health, medical history, and other possible risks could meant that a more frequent schedule is preferable. Our pediatric dentist will discuss that with you if applicable.

Contact our Branchburg kids dental office today and let us schedule an exam for your child. Good habits formed today will pay dividends for life.

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