Branchburg Mouth Guards

Pediatric Dentist in Branchburg

Branchburg Mouth Guards
Branchburg Mouth Guards

Sports mouth guards are an important part of practicing sports safety. Mouth guards are used to protect teeth from damage during contact sports and other activities that can cause risk to the mouth or teeth. At Branchburg Dentistry, our mouth guards are protective pieces of equipment that are specially designed to fit your child’s teeth so that you can feel confident about your child engaging in sports. Now that children are back to school, it’s important to assess their risk when playing sports and to get them the proper mouth protection they need.

Any activity that poses a risk to the teeth warrants the need for a mouth guard. This includes baseball, football, soccer, hockey or biking. Our Branchburg mouthguards are created to cover the upper teeth and protect against injuries such as cuts to the lips, broken teeth or hard damage that can injure the mouth, teeth or tongue. Those who wear braces may need a protector that covers the bottom teeth as well. For more information as your child enters school and learns new sports, call Branchburg Dentistry today.
In terms of the functionality of Branchburg mouthguards, we can assess the risk of each sport and design a guard specifically for your child’s mouth. Mouth guards should be highly resistant and comfortable to wear. They should not restrict breathing or speech. The most typical kinds of mouth guards are custom-made, which we can make in office, stock mouth guards, which come pre-formed and ready to wear, and boil and bite mouth guards, which kids can easily use. You will want to have your mouth guard replaced after each season to ensure that it stays in good working order and is not worn down by constant use. Teenagers especially need new mouth guards every season because of their growing teeth.

Branchburg Dentistry
3322 Route 22 West
Suite 201, Building #2
Branchburg, NJ, 08876

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