Pediatric Tooth Extraction in Manville NJ

Pediatric Extractions in Manville NJ

Pediatric Tooth Extraction in Manville NJ
Pediatric Tooth Extraction in Manville NJ

Tooth extractions are no fun for adults, so they are clearly even less so for children. Unfortunately, sometimes it is necessary, and if so then you can depend on expert and gentle care here at Branchburg Dentistry. Our priority is to eliminate pain, or at least to minimize it with our pediatric tooth extraction in Manville NJ.

There is a difference in how a baby, or primary, tooth is dealt with versus an adult, or permanent tooth. While extractions are always a last resort, the removal of a baby tooth is not the end of the world. What is essential, though, is that if the tooth is coming out ahead of the schedule where it would normally fall out on its own, our pediatric dentist needs to be proactive to ensure that your child’s other teeth do not shift and thereby leave insufficient room for the adult tooth to erupt later on. Space maintainers are handy devices used to keep that area open. Adult teeth are more important. It is a concern when it has to come out because there is not another one ready to grow in. Fortunately, in most instances, an adult tooth can be rescued with root canal if there is an infection present. And with twice-yearly visits to our office, the odds are in your child’s favor to avoid severe tooth decay, such that it would put the tooth in jeopardy for needing our pediatric tooth extraction in Manville NJ. When the procedure is unavoidable, such as with a baby tooth, every effort will be made to see to it that your child feels comfortable and at ease.

Do not hesitate to reach out to us when your child needs our pediatric tooth extraction in Manville NJ. It’s not an ideal situation, but our goal is to make certain that it is not a traumatic one.

Branchburg Dentistry
3322 Route 22 West
Suite 201, Building #2
Branchburg, NJ, 08876

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